
September 6, 2016

"I want to thank you for the time you spent with us today, your professional mediation, your honesty, guidance, patience, perseverance, and balance applied to our circumstances. I'm sorry I left emotionally, but after 5 hours and not feeling well, I was wiped. I so want to be able to mediate our situation rather than face a combative court confrontation. I love how you can articulate both sides and am open to that. Just thinking about things, but grateful to have met & trust you in this process. Hope you have a great weekend!"
July 12, 2016

"Our success in mediation has helped us put our children through college, rather than the lawyers’ children through college."
July 6, 2016

"You are the most unlawyerly lawyer I have ever met. You challenged me. I Thank you."
July 6, 2016

"You gave us a broader legal and even spiritual perspective and in fact added even a pleasantness to a painful life experience."
June 30, 2016

"I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your T.L.C. for people who are divorcing after many years of marriage. It is an extremely painful and emotional experience. If we had gone the adversarial route the nightmare would still be on. I also appreciate the value of services rendered."
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